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College and Universities That Allow Pets on Campus

Our users say these schools allow Fido and friends to shack up with students on campus. Policies vary, but many allow dogs and cats, along with birds, guinea pigs, and more!...

Colleges Offering Honors Housing and Other Unique Living Opportunities

Heading to college can be scary, but it’s certainly easier when you know you’ll be living with a group of like-minded people. These colleges and universities are great because...

Colleges and Universities With the Best Dorm Rooms on Campus

College will be your home away from home for more than half the year, so you want to make sure you feel comfortable and safe in your living quarters. Dorms don't have the best...

Colleges and Universities With the Best Food on Campus

Great food is essential to everybody's happiness and well-being—especially college students who spend so much time on campus living, learning, and fueling their bodies and...

Colleges and Universities With the Best Variety in the Dining Hall

Food is an important part of campus life—you can't tell us or any college student otherwise! If you're going to be living and studying on campus 24/7, you'll want great food to...

Colleges where the Quality of Residence Halls Is Above Average

Are you someone who loves living in the lap of luxury? Well, dorms aren't technically luxurious, but you'll find some pretty good ones at these colleges.

Colleges with Comprehensive Residential Hall Systems

These schools offer comprehensive living-learning centers, which provide a place to live, as well as a place to eat, talk with faculty, and participate in sports and student...

Most Vegetarian-Friendly Colleges in the United States

Any vegetarian student can find something to eat on a college campus--there will never, ever be a shortage of plain cheese pizza! But you can't live on pizza forever,...

Schools Offering Substance-Free Housing

For those who would rather not wake up to an impromptu kegger in their dorm room.

Schools Where Most Students Live On Campus

Are you a fan of shared bathrooms and showers? At these colleges, you'd better starting learning to love walking down the hall in your bathrobe and slippers. The percentage of...

The Experts' Choice: Colleges With Gender-Neutral/Gender-Inclusive Housing

These colleges let guys rooms with gals and vice versa. These policies can change quickly though...we wonder why.

The Experts' Choice: Colleges With Great Living Spaces for Students

Here are the colleges the experts say have the best living arrangements. We'd still like to see them live in the dorms though.

The Experts' Choice: Colleges for the Foodie

Yes, anyone can tell you, the way to college students' hearts is through their stomachs.

The Experts' Choice: Great Residence Halls

These colleges have some of the best dorms out there. Now it's just a matter of fitting all your stuff into them.

Vegan College Report Card: Schools Receiving an "A"!

Vegan food is all the rage these days, and college campuses are no exception. The folks at peta2 (the college arm of PETA)...

Where All Students Live Off Campus

Not a fan of living the residence hall life? These schools are right up your alley because they won't let you live there!