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Colleges Most Like Hogwarts

We know you love Harry Potter. We love him too. And if you're like us, you look at Harry's school, the majestic Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and say, "I want...

Colleges Where You Can Spread Out on Big Campuses

At some colleges and universities, you have to walk a mile to get to class. But don't worry—most of them provide buses! Check out the acreage of these campuses where bigger...

Colleges and Universities Attended by US Presidents

Everyone starts somewhere, even our nation's leaders! If you have your sights set on the White House, consider these colleges attended by US presidents.

Colleges and Universities With the Best Campus Traditions and Unique Superstitions

College traditions play a big role in a campus community. Check out this list of favorite rituals and explore the unique stories of schools across the US.

Educational Attainment of Adults

Here's the list of the current adult population's educational attainment. Where will the next gen fall on this list?

Fairly New Colleges and When They Were Founded

These are the newbies to the college world. The year listed is when they were founded.

Favorite Fictional Schools

We are some serious Pixar fans over here at CollegeXpress, so we were pretty floored when they launched the so-awesome-it-hurts

Gawker's Top 10 Commencement Speeches

How do you sum up those college years and all the potential of a life yet to be lived? Umm...not easily. But the graduation speakers on this list came pretty close....

Good Study Music

When you're studying at 3:00 a.m. before a final, you need some motivation. Musical motivation. From the CollegeXpress team, here are our personal recommendations for songs...

Haunted Colleges and Universities

Colleges and universities often have long and illustrious histories. But those histories can also be marred by tragic events...and subsequent ghostly happenings. The schools on...

Interesting Team Mascots

Imagine having to dress up like a Fighting Pickle—some people do! Check out these other crazy college mascots—no Eagles, Tigers, or Bulldogs here.

Leading Spring Break Destinations

What happens in Vegas . . . erm, we mean, here are the places where collegiates are spending their breaks.

Lumosity's Smartest Colleges in America 2013

Sure, you could measure intelligence using IQ tests or by looking at SAT scores. But the good folks at Lumosity, a brain training and neuroscience research company, decided to...

Matchmaker Colleges: Schools Where Students Find Love

But, soft! What light through yonder dorm room breaks? Could it be your true love? It might be if you attend one of the schools below. We asked our users which schools were the...

Nicknames for Colleges or Students at Particular Schools

If you go to these schools, you might be called some unusual names. Don't worry, that's normal.

Songs to Get You Pumped for a Test

We know musical tastes differ like crazy, but we wanted to share some songs that are like RedBull for our ears. The songs that we knew would guarantee the A--or at least a B+....